Fille qui marche sur la route de la cote ouest des Etats-Unis


Since my childhood I wanted to travel this famous coast of the United States. Partly influenced by American culture entering the collective imagination, the breathtaking and varied landscapes I was able to capture even exceeded my hopes. The only downside is that at the time I was under the age required to drive an old Ford Mustang. How disappointed I was when the dealership gave me a mid-size SUV that no one wanted ! In the absence of a model for auto shots, this brave SUV nonetheless fulfilled its primary function with dignity: To accompany me on all the steps of an unforgettable road trip.

Step 1: Yosemite
Yosemite aux Etats-Unis
Step 2: Tenaya Lake
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Tenaya Lake
Step 3: Mono Lake
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Mono Lake
Step 4: Death Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de la Death Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de la Death Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de la Death Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de la Death Valley
Sunset depuis Dante's view lors d'un Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de la Death Valley
Step 5: Zion
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Zion
Step 6: Las Vegas
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Las Vegas
Step 7: Bryce Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Brice Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Brice Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Brice Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Brice Canyon
Step 8: Lake Powell
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Lake Powell
Golden Gate Bridge de San Francisco
Step 9: Antelope Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape d'Antelope Canyon
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape d'Antelope Canyon
Step 10: Horseshoe Bend
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape d'Horseshoe Bend
Step 11: Monument Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Monument Valley
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Monument Valley avec un Navaro
Monument Valley aux Etats-Unis
Step 12: Grand Canyon
Road trip au grand canyon aux Etats-Unis
Grand Canyon aux Etats-Unis
Step 13: Los Angeles
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Las Vegas
Step 14: Santa Barbara
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Santa Monica
Road trip aux Etats-Unis : Etape de Santa Monica
Step 15: Monterey
Photo de bateaux à Monterey
Step 16: Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Final Step: San Francisco (Cf. my 6 months in SF)
Golden Gate Bridge de San Francisco
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