Photo du Pont des Arts à paris


Ever since I lived in Paris, I have made the capital my playground. I like to explore the city in order to capture moments of life, monuments and Paris’ famous atmosphere with its unique aura and beauty.

Iconic places and monuments

tour eiffel paris eiffel tower

No better way to start than introducing the Eiffel Tower. Here is a stunning old street all surrounded by Haussmanniens buildings and carefully guarded by the dear iron lady.

Petite pyramide du Louvre

Carrousel Du Louvre

Photo d'une silhouette pris au Louvre à Paris
Photo au Palais Royal à Paris

Palais Royal

Montmartre Sacré-coeur à paris
Photo du restaurant Le Consulat à Montmartre Paris
Maison penchée de la Butte Montmartre
Sacré Coeur à Montmartre

The butte Montmartre and its Sacré-Cœur

Photo de nuit du Pont Byr Hakeim à Paris

Bir-Hakeim bridge

Photo de la tour Eiffel depuis le Pont Alexandre III à Paris

Alexandre III bridge

Photo de la tour Eiffel depuis le Pont Alexandre III à Paris
trocadero paris tour eiffel

Trocadéro square

Photo de la Seine à Paris au lever du soleil

La Seine

Photo du Pont-Neuf à Paris


Pont Neuf à Paris

Pont des Arts

Arc de Triomphe pris de face à Paris
art-de-triomphe par christo architecture

Arc de Triomphe



paris rooftop

Toits de Paris


The integration of silhouettes is part of my composition work to increase the dynamism of cityscapes and capture them from a new angle. Taking pictures of Parisians on the street is both fascinating and challenging. It’s the law of the moment and of authenticity that prevails. The idea that certain fleeting moments wait only for a discerning eye to be immortalized.

Photographie de rue sur le Pont Byr Hakeim
Silhouette à chapeau à Paris au Palais Royal

Being able to be sufficiently discreet and respectfull is an advantage to obtain natural candid shots.

paris street-photography
Photo de rue
candid-shot paris street-photography
candid-shot paris street-photography
portrait paris candid-shot dans un bar de Paris


portrait paris candid-shot dans un bar de Paris

… sometimes I get noticed which results in some pretty incredible situations like this.

When I saw this old man having a drink alone at his table, staring into space, I thought it would be interesting to capture the moment. I don’t know how he spotted me, but when the shutter button was pressed he suddenly turned around. We both looked blissfully at each other. Not knowing what to do, I raised my thumb in recognition. To my surprise he gave me a big smile and I left.

A good time of street photography.

street-photography paris place-vendome
Photo de rue d'un enfant jouant avec les pigeons
Photographie de rue au Pont Royal pris sous la neige
Photo de rue d'une personne portant des fleurs sous la neige à Paris

To see all my photos

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